Saturday, December 20, 2008

Festivus Randomus

Here are a few random pics from this season:Our little Thanksgiving feast.

Austin being jolly with Mr. Roger.

Greyson trying the delicious root beer from Williamsburg, VA. that we received from the Reynolds.

"Here Baxter, bite my shirt!"

Dealing with a 19 month who has a fit when forced to sit on jolly old men's laps is exhausting! Here we are re-energizing with the fine cuisine that the mall food court has to offer.

Baxter having a "Bax attack" in the snow. Weird dog.

Christmas in Portland

On Friday, Stephen & I went on the Portland Spirit for his work Christmas Party. The dinner cruise sails up and down the Willamette river. At Christmastime, there are Christmas ships that follow the cruise ship. The video above shows just a few of the ships. (Sorry about the siren, it's on the fire truck ship that keeps shorting out!)

On Saturday, we went downtown to see the decorations and, of course, Santa:
"Don't take candy from strangers." "Don't talk to strangers." "Sit on this strange fat man's lap and smile for the picture!"

Santa coaxed the teens to sit on his lap with their baby bro. At least they look happy...

Then they ditched the baby bro and enjoyed some quality 1 on 1 time with the jolly old man. Their smiles are saying: "please don't let any cute girls see us sitting on Santa's lap!"

Greyson in happier (lunch) times.

Greyson walking on scaffolding on a building. No, he's on a sky bridge, silly!

So fun! So festive! So exhausting!

Let It Snow!

Holy cow- we are getting so much snow! It never snows in the Northwest before January (and even then it's rare). It is absolutely beautiful. The boys have had no school all week- I guess they now get a 3 week Xmas break! Although they won't be so happy come end of June and they're still in school!

Baxter is such a Utah dog- he LOVES the snow (he's seen above attacking my boot). Greyson, on the other hand, likes to look but not touch the cold white stuff. ☺

It's been snowing all day and it has accumulated a lot more than what I have pictured above. I hope it stays around for Christmas!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


We had a photo session yesterday and the subjects were a little less than cooperative....

Home for the Holidays...

Since we're staying put for the Holidays and no one is visiting, I thought I'd invite you all to virtually visit our home. Come on in! You can click on the pics to make them bigger if you really want to.

(Those are snowflakes on the tree to the right. They sparkle! Ooh!)

Grab a cup of Egg Nog or Pomegranate 7UP (seriously- try it) and have a seat!

Have a look at the ginormous tree Stephen picked this year. It's pre-lit. No more 2900 lights (I'm dead serious). Please try not to notice that I ran out of ribbon 3/4 of the way up the tree!

Since we went "pretty" for our living room tree this year, we decided to put a smaller, more Gooby-friendly one with the kids ornaments on it in the family room. This one doesn't have 2900 lights either.

It has half that. Sheesh.

(If I had planned this better, I would have kicked Miles off the video games and had a pretty Christmassy graphic on the tv!)

I hope you enjoy your visit! Now, let's relax and reminisce about Christmasses passed*....

Love you all!

*I had the hardest time deciding whether it was "Christmasses past" or "Christmasses passed". If I were to say "Christmasses past", isn't that turning "Christmas" into a posessive? Being the cunning linguist that I am, I want anyone who knows what it really should be to email me!

Greyson Potter

We have this nifty little closet under our staircase that we were using for storage but then decided that it would be cool to convert it to Greyson's play "room". He loves it in there! We have a little tv/vcr set up so he can watch Thomas (which he knows how to turn on himself!).

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

My cousin Tyler came down from Seattle for Halloween. We didn't have anyone going Trick-or-Treating so it was a bit different this year but still fun. We made lots of yummy things to eat, watched Ghost Hunters and played the Wii. We got about 120 Trick-or-Treaters- a lot of who took pictures in front of our house! That was kinda cool!
Greyson was a penguin but refused to wear his hat or feet. So, he was half a penguin but still very cute and cuddly. Austin, Miles & Ty were intermitently vampires, gorillas and werewolves. Sometimes a combination of the 3. Bax was a man eating shark-dog.

I cannot wait until next year when Greyson will actually go out and show off his costume!